EditorialTHE STATUE OF THOMAS GUY, a British bookseller, speculator and de facto founder of Guy's Hospital, London, UK, britain, british, europe, united kingdom, great britain, european.
EditorialSpeculator at the Palais Royal in morning coat and jockey hat, era of Marie Antoinette. LAgioteur du Palais Royal. Copperplate etching by Auguste Etienne Guillaumot from Costumes et coiffures du XVIIIe siecle, Costumes and hairstyles of the 18th centur...
EditorialThe speculator, by Viscount D'Arlincourt. A crowd of financial speculators. Pictures of the French: a series of literary and graphic delineations of French character. By Jules Janin, Balzac, Cormenin, and other celebrated French authors. With engraving...
EditorialThe speculator. Pictures of the French: a series of literary and g. W. S. Orr & Co.: London, 1840. Source: 838.i.18, opposite 241. Language: English.
EditorialTHE STATUE OF THOMAS GUY, a British bookseller, speculator and de facto founder of Guy's Hospital, London, UK, britain, british, europe, united kingdom, great britain, european.
EditorialTHE FINANCIAL CRISIS IN FRANCE, AT THE PARIS BOURSE: 1. Arrival of the First Quotations for English Consols from the London Stock Exchange; 2. Brokers in the Inner Circle: "A Confidential Communication."; 3. Buyers for Ready Money; 4. A Lady Speculator...