EditorialElementos de Matematica (Elements of Mathematics), by Benito Bails (1730-1797), Spanish architect and mathematician of The Enlightenment. Page with trigonometric calculations. Volume III, which is about elements of conic sections, elements of infinites...
EditorialElementos de Matematica (Elements of Mathematics), by the Spanish architect and mathematician Benito Bails (1730-1797). Trigonometric calculation illustrations. Engraving. Volume III, which treats elements of conic sections, elements of infinitesimal c...
EditorialElementos de Matematica (Elements of Mathematics), by Benito Bails (1730-1797), Spanish architect and mathematician of The Enlightenment. Page with trigonometric calculations. Volume III, which is about elements of conic sections, elements of infinites...
EditorialElementos de Matematica (Elements of Mathematics), by the Spanish architect and mathematician Benito Bails (1730-1797). Trigonometric calculation illustrations. Engraving. Volume III, which treats elements of conic sections, elements of infinitesimal c...
EditorialPlan of Trigonometric Operations of the City of Paris, Map of Paris, no. 70, S. 78, Verniquet, Edm?; Bartholome, P.T.; Mathieu, A.J., 1796, Edm? Verniquet, P.T. Bartholome, A.J. Mathieu: Atlas du plan g?n?ral de la ville de Paris. Paris: chez l'auteur,...
EditorialTrigonometry, Trigonometric calculations, Signed: Benard Direx, Pl. 1 et 2, p. 14, Benard (dir.), Denis Diderot; M. d'Alembert: Encyclop?die, ou dictionnaire raisonn? des sciences, des arts et des m?tierss, des arts et des m?tiers. Gen?ve: chez Pellet,...
EditorialThis drawing covers the boundary between the counties of Cardiganshire and Montgomeryshire. The border is marked as a red pecked line, following the course of the River Dovey for much of its length. Archaeological sites are noted in gothic script, an o...
EditorialAstrolabic quadrant, Syrian, around 1333-1334. Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Mizzi was the muwaqqit (official time-keeper) of the Great Umayyad Mosque of Damascus. The instrument combines geometry and trigonometry to resolve problems of spherical astronomy. On...