EditorialOCHOA, Severo (1905-1993). Spanish-American biochemist. For his work on polynucleotide biosynthesis was granted in 1959 with the Nobel Prize in phisiology or medicine, shared with Arthur Kornberg.
EditorialLongxing Cao, a biochemist, at the Institute of Protein Design at the University of Washington in Seattle, Nov. 19, 2020. (Jovelle Tamayo/The New York Times)
EditorialLongxing Cao, a biochemist, at the Institute of Protein Design at the University of Washington in Seattle, Nov. 19, 2020. (Jovelle Tamayo/The New York Times)
EditorialOCHOA, Severo (1905-1993). Spanish-American biochemist. For his work on polynucleotide biosynthesis was granted in 1959 with the Nobel Prize in phisiology or medicine, shared with Arthur Kornberg.