EditorialA. Asplenium Ruta-muraria. B. A. germanicum. C. A. septentrionale. The wall rue, or spleenwort. The alternate-leaved spleenwort. The forked spleenwort, Bradbury, Henry Riley (1821-1887), (Illustrator), ferns of Great Britain and Ireland.
EditorialA. Asplenium Ruta-muraria. B. A. germanicum. C. A. septentrionale. The wall rue, or spleenwort. The alternate-leaved spleenwort. The forked spleenwort, Bradbury, Henry Riley (1821-1887), (Illustrator), ferns of Great Britain and Ireland.
EditorialA. Asplenium Ruta-muraria. B. A. germanicum. C. A. septentrionale. The wall rue, or spleenwort. The alternate-leaved spleenwort. The forked spleenwort, Bradbury, Henry Riley (1821-1887), (Illustrator), ferns of Great Britain and Ireland.