Editorial10th Anniversary of the Handover of the Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Murdered under National Socialism, berlin, berlin, germany - 24 Oct 2022
EditorialTeobaldo Ochavano and his wife, Marina Sinti, healers who help run nighttime ceremonies at Soltara Healing Center in Costa Rica, Dec. 6, 2019. (Adam Ferguson/The New York Times)
EditorialTeobaldo Ochavano and his wife, Marina Sinti, healers who help run nighttime ceremonies at Soltara Healing Center in Costa Rica, Dec. 6, 2019. (Adam Ferguson/The New York Times)
EditorialJUANA DE ARCO, Santa (Domr?my,1412-Ru?n,1431), llamada la Doncella de Orleans. Seg?n sus propias declaraciones, se sinti? llamada por Dios para luchar contra los ingleses y entronizar al delfin, Carlos VII. Canonizaci?n de Juana de Arco en Roma (1920)....