EditorialLong-distance sedge and forest sedge, A and B: Carex distans L. - Long-term Sedge or Long-limbed Sedge, C: Carex silvatica Hudson-Waldsegge, Family: 25. Cyperaceae-Ried Grasses, Plate 93, after p. 220 (Vol., 1), 1886, Otto Wilhelm Thom?: Prof. Dr. Thom...
EditorialIlluminated miniatures of the plants Cole (Brasica Silvatica), which could be used, mixed with old fat, for the treatment of swellings and gout; and Carrying Adderwort (Basilica) with animal heads, which the text advises provided protection from severa...
EditorialEuropean beech tree, Fagus sylvatica (Fagus silvatica). Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration by Walther Muller from Hermann Adolph Koehler's Medicinal Plants, edited by Gustav Pabst, Koehler, Germany, 1887.