EditorialAmazon area. Jivaroan peoples (the Shuar). Isolated circular house. Representation of the cosmos. It allows the inhabitant to orient himself within the universe. The beam that supports the house symbolizes the union of earth and sky. Museum of the Amer...
EditorialAmazon area. Jivaroan peoples (the Shuar). Isolated circular house. Representation of the cosmos. It allows the inhabitant to orient himself within the universe. The beam that supports the house symbolizes the union of earth and sky. Museum of the Amer...
EditorialRegi?n amaz?nica. La casa de los j?baros (Shuar). Casa circular aislada. Representaci?n del cosmos. Permite al que habita orientarse dentro del universo. La viga que sostiene la casa simboliza la uni?n de la tierra y el cielo. Museo de Am?rica. Madrid....
EditorialRegi?n amaz?nica. La casa de los j?baros (Shuar). Casa circular aislada. Representaci?n del cosmos. Permite al que habita orientarse dentro del universo. La viga que sostiene la casa simboliza la uni?n de la tierra y el cielo. Detalle interior. Museo d...