EditorialUniversalmikroskop, Illustration of a universal microscope from the 18th century, signed: I. C. Keller exc .: Tab. II, p. 8, Keller, I. C. (exc.), 1764, Johann Christoph Keller, Wilhelm Friedrich von Gleichen-Russwurm: Das neueste aus dem Reiche der Pf...
EditorialUniversalmikroskop, Illustration of a universal microscope from the 18th century, signed: I. C. Keller exc .: Tab. II, p. 8, Keller, I. C. (exc.), 1764, Johann Christoph Keller, Wilhelm Friedrich von Gleichen-Russwurm: Das neueste aus dem Reiche der Pf...
EditorialBorige fly, Fig. 20: Boron fly, Fig. 21: The same enlarged, Fig. 22: The horn-like head shell of a wasp in its natural size, Fig. 23: The same enlarged, Fig. 24: One of the three eyes on the back of the head, a bumblebee, Fig. 25: Such an eye after the...