EditorialCelebration of the Supreme Beeing on the Champs de Mars in Paris on 20 Prairial, year 11 (June 8 1794). Like most revolutionary celebrations, it was directed by the painter J. L. David. On the right, an artificial hill with the Tree of Liberty. Oil on ...
EditorialJournee du 1er Prairial de l'an III. Feraud, representant du Peuple assassine dans la Convention Nationale-May 20,1795,Feraud,member of Parliament, is assassinated during the session by armed citizens from the suburbs of Paris,who storm the Convent.
EditorialConsulado Franc?s. Guerras Revolucionarias Francesas. Primera Guerra de Coalici?n. Batalla del Primer Glorioso de Junio de 1794 o Bataille du 13 prairial an 2, cerca de la isla francesa de Ushant, Oceano Atl?ntico. El nav?o de tercera clase con 74 ca?o...
EditorialDay 28, 29, 30 Prairial, An Seven; Resignation of several Directors, Directors Philippe-Antoine Merlin and Louis-Marie de La R?velli?re-L?peaux in the Palais du Luxembourg in the coup d'?tat of the 30th Prairial VII in June 1799, signed: Duplessi-Berta...
EditorialDays of 31 May 1st and 2nd June 1793, or 12th 12th and 14th Prairial Year 1st of the Republic, Uprising of the Parisian sans-culottes from May 31 to June 2, 1793, threat to the convent in the Tuileries Court, signed: Sweebach Desfontaines inv. Et del, ...
EditorialVictory Day, at the Champ de Mars, 10 Prairial, Year 4. of the Republic, F?te des Victoires on the Campus Martius in Paris on May 29, 1796, signed: Girardet inv. Et del, Berthault sculp, Fig. 59, no. 126, after p. 508 (cent-vingt-sixi?me tableau), Gira...
EditorialBonaparte, Premier Consul de la R?publique Fran?aise, le 18 Brumaire, An VIII et Bataille de Marengo, command?e par le premier Consul, le 25 Prairial, An VIII, Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte and Battle of Marengo, signed: Duplessi-Bertaux del, Fig. 49,...
EditorialAttack of the Falburg Antoine, 4 Prairial, Year 3. of the Republic, Faubourg Saint-Antoine in Paris during the Prairial Uprising from 20.-24., May 1795, signed: Girardet inv. Et del, Girardet aqua forti; Berthault sculp, Fig. 49, no. 116, according to ...
EditorialGeneral Dessaix of division in Upper Egypt, and since employed in the army of reserve, killed at the Battle of Marengo, on 25 Prairial year 8, Portrait of Louis Charles Antoine Dessaix and Death of Dessaix during the Battle of Marengo, signed: levachez...
EditorialDay 28, 29, 30 Prairial, An Seven; Resignation of several Directors, Directors Philippe-Antoine Merlin and Louis-Marie de La R?velli?re-L?peaux in the Palais du Luxembourg in the coup d'?tat of the 30th Prairial VII in June 1799, signed: Duplessi-Berta...
EditorialC. F. Lamoignon Malesherbes, formerly Minister of State, Judged to death in Prairial, year 2., Portrait of Chr?tien-Guillaume de Lamoignon de Malesherbes and Malherbes at Temple, signed: Levachez sculp, Duplessi-Bertaux inv. Et del, Duplessi-Bertaux aq...
EditorialFeast of Supreme Being, June 8, 1794, or 20 Prairial Year 2. of the Republic, Feast of the Supreme Being on the Campus Martius in Paris on June 8, 1794, signed: Duplessis Bertaux inv. Et del, Duplessis Bertaux (aqua forti); Berthault sculp, Fig. 33, no...
EditorialMassacres in Fort St. Jean, Marseille, 17 Prairial Year 3. of the Republic, Assassination of the Jacobins at Fort Saint-Jean in Marseilles in June 1795, signed: Girardet inv. Et del, Berthault sculp, Fig. 50, no. 117, after p. 472 (Cent dix-septi?me ta...
EditorialC?cile Renaud arrested at Robespierre on May 22, and tried on June 17, 1794: or 4 Prairial and 29 of the same month, An 2. of the Republic, C?cile Renaut arrested for trying to assassinate Robespierre in the Rue (Saint) Honor? in Paris on May 22, 1794,...
EditorialHeroism of the sailors who mounted the ship The Avenger, June 3, 1794: or 13 Prairial Year 2 of the Republic, French ship Vengeur at the Battle of the 13th Prairial in June 1794, signed: Ozanne inv. Et del, Le Gouaz sculp, Fig. 32, no. 99, according to...
EditorialCapitulation of the city of Malta, the 14th of Prairial year 6., Napoleon Bonaparte's fleet in the port of La Valetta in Malta on June 11, 1798, signed: Duplessi-Bertaux inv. Et del, Desaulx sculp, Fig. 67, no. 134, after p. 540 (Cent trente-quatri?me ...
EditorialAssassination of the deputy Ferraud in the National Convention the 1st Prairial, Year 3. of the Republic, Jean-Bertrand F?raud's head is shown on May 2, 1795 to the President of the Convention National, signed: Duplessi-Bertaux inv. Et del, Duplessi-Be...
EditorialAim?e-C?cile-Renaud, tried on 29 Prairial, year 2. of the French Republic, Portrait of Aim?e C?cile Renault and arrest of Aim?e C?cile Renault at the apartment of Robespierre, signed: Levachez sculp, Duplessi-Bertaux inv. Et del, Duplessi-Bertaux aqua ...
EditorialConsulado Franc?s. Guerras Revolucionarias Francesas. Primera Guerra de Coalici?n. Batalla del Primer Glorioso de Junio de 1794 o Bataille du 13 prairial an 2, cerca de la isla francesa de Ushant, Oceano Atl?ntico. El nav?o de tercera clase con 74 ca?o...
EditorialConsulado Franc?s. Guerras Revolucionarias Francesas. Primera Guerra de Coalici?n. Batalla del Primer Glorioso de Junio de 1794 o Bataille du 13 prairial an 2, cerca de la isla francesa de Ushant, Oceano Atl?ntico. El nav?o de tercera clase con 74 ca?o...
EditorialBoissy d'Anglas pr?sidant la Convention le 1er Prairial An III. Dimensions: plate: 41.4 x 51.4 cm (16 5/16 x 20 1/4 in.) sheet: 45.1 x 58.4 cm (17 3/4 x 23 in.). Medium: etching and drypoint on laid paper.
EditorialJournee du 1er Prairial de l'an III. Feraud, representant du Peuple assassine dans la Convention Nationale-May 20,1795,Feraud,member of Parliament, is assassinated during the session by armed citizens from the suburbs of Paris,who storm the Convent.
EditorialCelebration of the Supreme Beeing on the Champs de Mars in Paris on 20 Prairial, year 11 (June 8 1794). Like most revolutionary celebrations, it was directed by the painter J. L. David. On the right, an artificial hill with the Tree of Liberty. Oil on ...