EditorialRespiratory system. Schematic drawing of the front section of the larynx. 1. Epiglottis 2. Vocal folds above 3. Vocal folds below 4. Trachea. Drawing. Color.
EditorialAnatomy, Diaphragm, Pharynx and Larynx, Diaphragm, pharynx and larynx, Signed: Benard direx, Pl. 7, after p. 48, Benard (dir.), 1778, Denis Diderot; M. d'Alembert: Encyclop?die, ou dictionnaire raisonn? des sciences, des arts et des m?tierss, des arts ...
EditorialTubularia splachnea, Print, Tubularia is a genus of hydroids that appear to be furry pink tufts or balls at the end of long strings, thus causing them to be sometimes be called "pink-mouthed" or "pink-hearted" hydroids. Their average height is 40?60 mm...
EditorialTubularia coronata, Print, Tubularia is a genus of hydroids that appear to be furry pink tufts or balls at the end of long strings, thus causing them to be sometimes be called "pink-mouthed" or "pink-hearted" hydroids. Their average height is 40?60 mm ...
EditorialAnatomical drawing. Larynx. Voicebox. Muscular system. Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. Larynx. Voicebox. Muscular sys...
EditorialAnatomical drawing. Circulatory system. Muscular system. Larynx. Voicebox. Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. Circulator...
EditorialAnatomical drawing. Skull. Trachea. Larynx. Internal Organs. Heart. Lungs. Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. Skull. Tra...
EditorialAnatomical drawing. Larynx. Voicebox. Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. Larynx. Voicebox. ANTOMMARCHI, C. Francesco....
EditorialAnatomical drawing. The circulatory system. Larynx. Voicebox. Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. The circulatory system....
EditorialAnatomical drawing. Larynx. Voicebox. . Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. Larynx. Voicebox. ANTOMMARCHI, C. Frances...
EditorialAnatomical drawing. Larynx. Voicebox. . Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. Larynx. Voicebox. ANTOMMARCHI, C. Frances...
EditorialAnatomical drawing. Larynx. Voicebox. Windpipe. Trachea. Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. Larynx. Voicebox. Windpipe. ...
EditorialAnatomical drawing. Larynx. Voicebox. Windpipe. Trachea. Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. Larynx. Voicebox. Windpipe. ...
EditorialAnatomical drawing. Voicebox. Larynx. Trachea. Windpipe. Thyroid gland. Epiglottis. Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. nAatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. V...
EditorialAnatomical drawing. Voicebox. Larynx. Trachea. Windpipe. Thyroid gland. Epiglottis. Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. V...
EditorialAnatomical drawing. The circulatory system. Larynx. Voicebox. Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. The circulatory system....
EditorialAnatomical drawing. Larynx. Voicebox. Muscular system. Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. Larynx. Voicebox. Muscular sys...
EditorialAnatomical drawing. Circulatory system. Muscular system. Larynx. Voicebox. Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. Circulator...
EditorialAnatomical drawing. Larynx. Voicebox. Windpipe. Trachea. Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. Larynx. Voicebox. Windpipe. ...
EditorialAnatomical drawing. Larynx. Windpipe. Voicebox. Trachea. . Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. Larynx. Windpipe. Voicebox...
EditorialAnatomical drawing. The circulatory system. Larynx. Voicebox. Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. The circulatory system....
EditorialAnatomical drawing. Larynx. Voicebox. . Planches anatomiques du corps humain execute?es d’apre?s les dimensions naturelles. Paris France 1826. Anatomical print of the human body with natural dimensions. Larynx. Voicebox. ANTOMMARCHI, C. Frances...
EditorialDissection of the human diaphragm, chest cavity, and details of the pharynx and larynx. Copperplate engraving by Robert Benard after an illustration by Albrecht von Haller from Denis Diderot's Encyclopedia, Pellet, Geneva, 1779.
EditorialRespiratory system. Schematic drawing of the front section of the larynx. 1. Epiglottis 2. Vocal folds above 3. Vocal folds below 4. Trachea. Drawing. Color.