EditorialCircassian prince with mace, and a Kabard prince drawing his sword above, with a Kabard archer and Kabard prince below. Handcoloured lithograph from Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsche's "Vollstaendige V?lkergallerie in getreuen Abbildungen" (Complete Gallery o...
EditorialKabard prince, Circassian people, wearing helmet, chain-mail tunic, tabard, skirt, and trousers, carrying a bow in a case and a scimitar. Handcoloured woodcut after an illustration by S.B. from Auguste Wahlen's "Moeurs, Usages et Costumes de tous les P...
EditorialCircassian prince with mace, and a Kabard prince drawing his sword above, with a Kabard archer and Kabard prince below. Handcoloured lithograph from Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsche's "Vollstaendige V?lkergallerie in getreuen Abbildungen" (Complete Gallery o...
EditorialKabard prince, Circassian people, wearing helmet, chain-mail tunic, tabard, skirt, and trousers, carrying a bow in a case and a scimitar. Handcoloured woodcut after an illustration by S.B. from Auguste Wahlen's "Moeurs, Usages et Costumes de tous les P...
EditorialCircassian prince with mace, and a Kabard prince drawing his sword above, with a Kabard archer and Kabard prince below. Handcoloured lithograph from Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsche's "Vollstaendige V?lkergallerie in getreuen Abbildungen" (Complete Gallery o...