EditorialThyridia, Print, Thyridia is a monotypic genus of clearwing (ithomiine) butterflies, named by Jacob H?bner in 1816. Its only species is Thyridia psidii, the Melantho tigerwing or clapping ticlear. It is in the brush-footed butterfly family, Nymphalidae...
EditorialCharaxes, Print, The rajah and pasha butterflies, also known as emperors in Africa and Australia, (genus Charaxes) make up the huge type genus of the brush-footed butterfly subfamily Charaxinae, or leafwing butterflies. They belong to the tribe Charaxi...
EditorialNymphalis, Print, Nymphalis, commonly known as the tortoiseshells or anglewing butterflies, is a genus of brush-footed butterflies. The genera Aglais, Inachis, Polygonia and Kaniska, were sometimes included as subgenera of Nymphalis but they are by som...
EditorialLimenitis, Print, Limenitis is a genus of brush-footed butterflies, commonly called the admirals. The sister butterflies (Adelpha) and commander butterflies (Moduza) are sometimes included here.
EditorialHeterochroa, Print, Adelpha is a genus of brush-footed butterflies found from the southern United States and Mexico to South America. They are commonly known as sisters, due to the white markings on their wings, which resemble a nun's habit. This genus...
EditorialCoenonympha, Print, Coenonympha is a butterfly genus belonging to the Coenonymphina, a subtribe of the browns (Satyrinae). The latter are a subfamily of the brush-footed butterflies (Nymphalidae). As a rule, Palearctic species are colloquially called h...
EditorialMechanitis, Print, Mechanitis is a genus of tigerwing (Ithomiini) butterflies, named by Johan Christian Fabricius in 1807. They are in the brush-footed butterfly family, Nymphalidae. It has gained fame due to the metallic appearance of the chrysalis in...
EditorialNapeogenes, Print, Napeogenes is a genus of clearwing (ithomiine) butterflies, named by Henry Walter Bates in 1862. They are in the brush-footed butterfly family, Nymphalidae.
EditorialAthyma, Print, Athyma is a genus of brush-footed butterflies. They are commonly known as the "true" or "typical" sergeants, to distinguish them from the false sergeants of the genus Pseudathyma, a fairly close relative from the Adoliadini tribe. The ge...
EditorialMycalesis, Print, Mycalesis, the bushbrowns, are a genus of brush-footed butterflies. They are common in the warm regions from Central Asia to Australia, and have a high diversity in South Asia and the Wallacea.
EditorialColaenis, Print, Dryas iulia (often incorrectly spelled julia), commonly called the Julia butterfly, Julia heliconian, the flame, or flambeau, is a species of brush-footed (or nymphalid) butterfly. The sole representative of its genus Dryas, it is nati...
EditorialDircenna, Print, Dircenna is a genus of clearwing (ithomiine) butterflies, named by Edward Doubleday in 1847. They are in the brush-footed butterfly family, Nymphalidae. The genus comprises fairly large ithomiines with elongated forewings which are cha...
EditorialAthesis, Print, Athesis is a Neotropical genus of clearwing (ithomiine) butterflies, named by Edward Doubleday in 1847. They are in the brush-footed butterfly family, Nymphalidae.
EditorialMelitaea, Print, Melitaea is a genus of brush-footed butterflies (family Nymphalidae). They are here placed in the tribe Melitaeini of subfamily Nymphalinae; some authors elevate this tribe to subfamily rank.
EditorialIthomia, Print, Ithomia is a genus of clearwing (ithomiine) butterflies, named by Jacob H?bner in 1816. They are in the brush-footed butterfly family, Nymphalidae.
EditorialAprotopos, Print, Thyridia is a monotypic genus of clearwing (ithomiine) butterflies, named by Jacob H?bner in 1816. Its only species is Thyridia psidii, the Melantho tigerwing or clapping ticlear. It is in the brush-footed butterfly family, Nymphalida...
EditorialAgeronia, Print, Cracker butterflies are a Neotropical group of medium-sized brush-footed butterfly species of the genus Hamadryas. They acquired their common name due to the unusual way that males produce a "cracking" sound as part of their territoria...