EditorialLebanon: Israel bombs residential areas in response to Hizbollah rocket fire Liban : Israel bombarde des zones d habitation en reponse aux tirs de roquettes du Hezbollah
EditorialOph?lie, la cape bleue sur les eaux (Ophelia with a Blue Wimple in the Water). Oph?lie, la cape bleue sur les eaux. Dating: 1900 - 1905. Place: France. Measurements: h 54.5 cm ? w 49.5 cm; d 2.5 cm.
EditorialGrande robe du soir en brocart d'argent. Costumes Parisiens no.73. Perrugue bleue, aigrettes. Women depicted wearing evening dress with silver brocade, red slippers and a blue wig with silver headress, background shows a white peakcock on a tree branc...