EditorialSecr?taire, Jacques Dubois (French, 1694 - 1763 (master 1742)), Paris, France, about 1755, White oak and sycamore maple veneered with panels of red Chinese lacquer on Japanese arborvitae and painted with European lacquer, interior drawers of sycamore m...
EditorialSecr?taire; Jacques Dubois, French, 1694 - 1763, master 1742; Paris, France, Europe; about 1755; Maple and oak veneered with panels of red Chinese lacquer on a ground of Japanese arborvitae and painted with vernis Martin (imitation Asian lacquer); draw...
EditorialCommode; Attributed to Joseph Baumhauer, French, died 1772; Paris, France, Europe; about 1750; Oak veneered with ebony; set with panels of Japanese lacquer on Japanese arborvitae, painted with vernis Martin; gilt-bronze mounts; campan m?lang? vert marb...