A drawing by Arthur Coryndon Hansler Luxmoore, in the General Exhibition of Water-Colour Drawings at the Dudley Gallery, 1869. In lieu of a title the painter quotes for the drawing we have engraved the appropriate fines from Tennysons "In Memoriam": And, thinking this will please him best, She takes a riband or a rose, For he will see them on to-night. The subject of this pleasing drawing, taken in conjunction with these suggestive fines, will commend itself to the reader without any elucidation or stimulant we might attempt to supply. We will therefore merely observe that Mr. Luxmore is one of the most promising of the many deserving young artists whom the useful gallery at the Egyptian Hall has, by bringing their works before the public, served to rescue from a comparative obscurity in which they might for a time have remained. As we have remarked in a critical article, Mr. Luxmores contributions to that gallery are specially commendable for simplicity, good taste, and sober breadth of tone. From "Illustrated London News", 1869.

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