Goodwood Races: the Chesterfield Cup - Leonora and the Spectre Lover, 1865. One of the silver cups, ...or pieces of plate, which formed the principal prizes won at Goodwood races last week. The Stewards Cup [or the Chesterfield Cup?], manufactured by Messrs, London and Ryder, New Bond-street, is massive in form and elaborately ornamented. The designer, Mr. Robert Jefferson, has taken his subject from Burgers ballad of "Leonora;" and the lid is surmounted by an equestrian group of miniature statuary, which represents the midnight ride of the poor maiden with her spectral lover. The handles are formed of the attendant angels who intercede for Leonora, and at the base are smiling cupids entwined with passionflowers, all made to illustrate the mournful story. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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