Amoenissim? aliquot locorum ... effigies. Plate 17. Zu C?llen, 1635. Zu C?llen (Cologne) is Plate 17 of a collection of 24 etchings, Amoenissimae aliquot locorum. This print depicts a prospect of Cologne and the contiguous settlement of Deutz, from the vantage point of the S?dstadt of Cologne on the other side of the Rhine. The church beyond the foreground windmill is St Severin, a historic basilica with a Romanesque core. The very tall tower and spire are later gothic additions. Amoenissimae aliquot locorum is the earliest of Hollars recorded publications. The Latin title of the series translates as Delightful likenesses of some places lying in various countries. It records Hollar¡¦s long and winding journey from his native Prague all the way to the Netherlands between 1627 and 1634.

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