Promotional flyer for The Girl from Kay's Promotional postcard for The Girl from Kay?s by Owen Hall; music Ivan Caryll and Cecil Cook. First produced at the Apollo Theatre, London 15th November 1902. The original London production, from 1902 to 1903, played for a long run of 432 performances and was followed by provincial tours. A successful New York run of 223 performances began in 1903, and successful Australian runs followed. The plot is triggered when a wife sees her husband kissing a shop girl who has delivered her new hat from Kay's hat shop. This is a postcard in a series depicting stage personalities, Willie Edouin is shown as the American millionaire, the part he created in this show - caption: ?I?m Hoggenheimer?. As so often in productions of the period, the American millionaire is a comic character, but in this case the audience is asked to laugh with rather than at him.

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