The times, anno. 1783. Print shows John Bull throwing up his arms in despair as the devil flies away with a map labeled America; to the left are a portly Dutchman, a Spaniard, and a Frenchman, in the background is a battle scene at Gibraltar. This cartoon is about the Treaty of Paris, signed at the end of the American Revolution, as well as the War of the Spanish Succession which was waged concurrently in Europe. With the Treaty of Paris, Great Britain acknowledged American independence, here represented by the map carried off by a farting devil. John Bull, representing England, holds up his arms in surrender and perhaps because he has just let go of the map. He is teased first by a French man, who offers him snuff. Great Britain relinquished very little to the French, who were to carry their grievances into the Napoleonic Era. The Spaniard gestures toward Gibraltar, where a naval battle rages. In the treaty, Spain gave up Gibraltar, but regained Florida and Minorca. The Dutch, represented by the ill dressed man on the right, continued their negotiations into 1784. Date 1783 Aprl. 14th.

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