Successive Stages of the alchemical process with - the phoenix on the field, which burns itself out. B - the Queen and the King. Z - the moon, sliding into the sea. Y - a lunar eclipse. X - sunset at sea, the mercurial water, which must also drain the elixir. V - solar eclipse. T - a swan floating on the sea. S - sea of silver, symbolizing the liquid mercury. R - the Ethiopians, a man and woman, supports two higher spheres. Q - the image of heaven, where the dragon lies on his back and eats its own tail. P - the clouds, from which comes the dew or rain and nourishing moisture. N - a head of black crows, peeping from the sea. M - mountain. L - stream of black water which symbolizes the expansion (putrefactio). K - red lion with blood flowing from his chest into the sea below. I - the wind, emitting the breath of the spirit (spiritus) in the sea. G - three-headed silver eagle, which tend to have two heads, and the third spewing white water, or liquid Mercury, at sea, designated by the letter N. F - single-head dragon. E and F are both the same thing - Liquid Mercury, which is the materia prima of the stone. E - Green Lion. D - Mercury, holding a silver chain to which are attached two lying animals. C - four-headed dragon, which comes from breathing the surface of the sphere. And - a pedestal symbolizing the earth.

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