Roger Bacon.A large figure; most likely representing Hermes Trismegistus; at his head; a largely illegible scroll; he is embracing a large; stoppered flask (the arms of which bear writing and symbols); which contains a black frog; feathers and tadpoles or droplets of liquid at the top; and eight roundels connected to a central roundel by chains; representing stages in the alchemical process. Seven of the roundels depict figures conducting alchemical experiments involving a large flask containing homunculi atop a furnace; the eighth roundel contains a sun and and moon; corresponding silver and gold figures; and two figures dressed in red robes wielding tools. A large scroll; bearing an inscription: 鈥楾erra stat unda lavat pyr purgat spiritus vivificat'; beneath; a further inscription: 鈥楾he mouth of the Collorick beware and thereof be wise'; two walls; enclosing a burst of flame.- a tree; its upper branches bearing inscriptions 鈥榮piritus' and 鈥榓nima'; a naked; dragon-tailed woman is straddling its trunk and holding a male figure to the tree.The base of the tree stands in a heptagonal battlemented enclosure filled with water; its trunk supporting a grapevine. (See next image for continuing description.).late 16th century.From: Roger Bacon; Alchemical rolls (The Ripley Scrolls).Add. 5025. (2) Top of rollLondon; British Library.

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