The Hermitage of San Baudelio de Berlanga (Ermita de San Baudelio de Berlanga) is an early 11th-century church at Caltojar in the province of Soria; Spain; 80 km south of Berlanga de Duero. It is an example of Mozarabic architecture and was built in the 11th century; in what was then the frontier between Islamic and Christian lands. It is dedicated to Saint Baudilus or Baudel.

The hermitage housed many fine Romanesque frescoes from about 1125; most of these have been removed; but some have remained. Two sections; transferred to canvas; are now in the Indianapolis Museum of Art; showing the Entry of Christ into Jerusalem and the Wedding at Cana.

The paintings were done by the Catalan Master of Tahull (Ta黮l in Catalan); whose best known works are in Sant Climent de Ta黮l and the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya in Barcelona; with two other painters. The frescoes include that of a camel and of a war elephant; which were inspired by Muslim motifs.

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