ORCHHA a sadhu or santone Indian. The induisti consider that the objective of the life is the moksha; the liberation from the illusion (Mayan); the end of the cycle of the reincarnations and the dissolution in the divine one; the fusion with the cosmic conscience. Such objective is reached very rarely in the course of the present life. The sadhu (from the sanscrito "man well; sant'uomo") it chooses; in order to accelerate this process and to realize it in this life; to live a holiness life. The sadhu they are you anticipate in India from thousands of years; perhaps from the prehistory in which the their role he would have been similar to that of the sciamani. One generally considers that they form 0.5% of the Indiana population; that is quattro-cinque million people. The sadhu they are of renouncing; they cut every tie with their family; do not possess nothing or little things; are dressed with a longhi; a tunica of color saffron for the shivaiti ones; yellow or white for the visnuiti ones and sometimes with some necklace. In their search of the absolute; the sadhu they practice of the tapas; magical recitazione of mantras; rituals; control of the breath; yoga unifying the body and the spirit; sexual abstinence; ballot of Hush; meditation or mortificazioni. The sadhu shivaiti cospargono their body with the ash; symbol of died and rebirth; to image and likeness of Shiva; they carry the extremely long hair. The devozione of the sadhu to Shiva or Visnu is recognized from the traditional signs that sometimes carry on own forehead and from the color of their garments. Photography of Raffaella Milandri. India; Orchha May 2007 4236 I

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