EditorialTowhe Ground Finch - Common Blackberry, R?telgrundammer (Pipilo erythrophthalmus), Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), Signed: J.J. Audubon, J.T. Bowen, lithography, Pl. 195 (vol. 3), Audubon, John James (drawn); Bowen, J. T. (lith.), 1856, John James Audub...
EditorialArctic Ground Finch, Bunting (Pipilo arcticus), Signed: J.J. Audubon, J.T. Bowen, lithograph, Pl. 194 (Bd. 3), Audubon, John James (drawn); Bowen, J. T. (lith.), 1856, John James Audubon: The birds of America: from drawings made in the United States an...
EditorialNest and eggs of the eastern towhee, Pipilo erythrophthalmus. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A. Wagenseller, Philadelphia, 1881.
EditorialGray catbird, Dumetella carolinensis, and eastern towhee, Pipilo erythrophthalmus. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A. Wagenseller, Philadelphia, 1881.
EditorialTowhe Ground Finch - Common Blackberry, R?telgrundammer (Pipilo erythrophthalmus), Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), Signed: J.J. Audubon, J.T. Bowen, lithography, Pl. 195 (vol. 3), Audubon, John James (drawn); Bowen, J. T. (lith.), 1856, John James Audub...
EditorialArctic Ground Finch, Bunting (Pipilo arcticus), Signed: J.J. Audubon, J.T. Bowen, lithograph, Pl. 194 (Bd. 3), Audubon, John James (drawn); Bowen, J. T. (lith.), 1856, John James Audubon: The birds of America: from drawings made in the United States an...