EditorialFrancesco Petrarca (1304-1374) and Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375). Italian writers. Petrarch appears in dreams to Boccaccio. Miniature in Livre des Cleres et Nobles Femmes (Book of Clergymen and Nobles Women), 15th century. Castle of Chantilly. France.
EditorialF?nf sehr anmutige Geschichten des vielgel?sterten Giovanni di Boccaccio aus Certaldo ; mit sieben altitalienischen Holzschnitten und einem Auffass von Friedrich Schlegel : Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375.
EditorialContes et nouvelles de Bocace florentin: traduction libre, accommod?e au gout de ce temps, & enrichie de figures en taille-douce grav?es par Mr. Romain de Hooge.
EditorialFrancesco Petrarca (1304-1374) and Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375). Italian writers. Petrarch appears in dreams to Boccaccio. Miniature in Livre des Cleres et Nobles Femmes (Book of Clergymen and Nobles Women), 15th century. Castle of Chantilly. France.
EditorialGiovanni Boccaccio, poet (1313-1375). Murals from a hall in the Villa Carducci in Legnaia, Italy, painted around 1450. Murals, transferred to canvas,250 x 154 cm Inv. San Marco e Cenacoli 165.