EditorialOrange weaver, Ploceus aurantius (Pyromelana franciscana). Chromolithograph by Brumby and Clarke after a painting by Frederick William Frohawk from Arthur Gardiner Butler's "Foreign Finches in Captivity," London, 1899.
EditorialYellow-crowned bishop, Euplectes afer. (Napoleon weaver, Pyromelana afra) Chromolithograph by Brumby and Clarke after a painting by Frederick William Frohawk from Arthur Gardiner Butler's "Foreign Finches in Captivity," London, 1899.
EditorialOrange weaver, Ploceus aurantius (Pyromelana franciscana). Chromolithograph by Brumby and Clarke after a painting by Frederick William Frohawk from Arthur Gardiner Butler's "Foreign Finches in Captivity," London, 1899.
EditorialNorthern red bishop, Euplectes franciscanus. (Crimson-crowned weaver, Pyromelana flammiceps) Chromolithograph by Brumby and Clarke after a painting by Frederick William Frohawk from Arthur Gardiner Butler's "Foreign Finches in Captivity," London, 1899.
EditorialYellow-mantled widowbird, Euplectes macrourus. (Yellow-shouldered weaver, Pyromelana capensis). Chromolithograph by Brumby and Clarke after a painting by Frederick William Frohawk from Arthur Gardiner Butler's "Foreign Finches in Captivity," London, 1899.