EditorialRecto: Pilgrim, or 'Pietas' (allegory of Piety), preliminary design for pl. 6 in the Schema, seu Speculum Principum (Skills of a Prince) series; Verso, above: Man with a Stick; Verso, below: Lion Hunt in Africa, from Pliny's Natural History, Book 8, ch...
EditorialCommon Buzzard, Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo, Buteo vulgaris), Signed: J.J. Audubon, J.T. Bowen, lithograph, Pl. 6 (vol. 1), Audubon, John James (drawn); Bowen, J. T. (lith.), 1856, John James Audubon: The birds of America: from drawings made in the Uni...
EditorialSurgery 6, Medical instruments, Signed: Benard direx, Pl. 6, after p. 48, Benard (dir.), 1778, Denis Diderot; M. d'Alembert: Encyclop?die, ou dictionnaire raisonn? des sciences, des arts et des m?tierss, des arts et des m?tiers. Gen?ve: chez Pellet, MD...
EditorialMarine, Continuation of the different Parts which enter the Construction of the Vessels, Elements for the construction of ships, Signed: Benard Direx, Suite de la Pl. 6, p. 14, Benard (dir.), 1778, Denis Diderot; M. d'Alembert: Encyclop?die, ou diction...
EditorialWalnut credenza, Walnut sideboard from the 16th century (Henri II style), Signed: Rod., Pfnor del, P. Lamy, Ch. Juliot Editeur; Ch. Et A. Chardon, Pl. 6, p. 8, Pfnor, Rodolphe (del.); Lamy, P. (sc.); Juliot, Ch. (ed.); Chardon, Ch. et A. (imp.), Rodolp...
EditorialFunicular Vevey - P?lerin, Fig. 19: Masonry substructure with pre-stretched substructure, Fig. 29, pl. 6, after p. 71, E. Strub: Bergbahnen der Schweiz bis 1900. Bd. 1. Wiesbaden: Verlag von J F. Bergmann, 1900.
EditorialPetrification from Switzerland, Petrification with locality in Switzerland, signed: J. Melchior F?esli, copperplate engraving, pl. 6, after p. 148 (vol. 1), Fuesli, Johann Melchior (del. et fec.), 1746, Johann Jacob Scheuchzer, Joh. Georg Sulzern, Joha...
EditorialFarmer of Argovia, Aargauer farmer, pl. 6, to p. 163 (vol. 1), Yosy, A., A. Yosi, Switzerland, as now divided into nineteen cantons (...). London: J. Booth & J. Murray, 1815.
EditorialAdlerfarn, Pteridium aquilinum Kuhn - Bracken, Family: 2. Polypodiaceae - Spotted Fungus Family, pl. 6, after p. 18 (vol. 1), 1886, Otto Wilhelm Thom?: Prof. Dr. Thom?'s Flora von Deutschland, ?sterreich und der Schweiz in Wort und Bild. Gera-Untermhau...
EditorialFloor plan of the Erzlagerst?tten of Stahlberg u. the Schwabengrube and floor plan of the main corridors in the neighborhood of Joachimsthal, Map of the mines of Stahlberg and Schwabengrube near M?sen and in the region of St. Joachimstal (J?chymov) in ...
EditorialCapitals of St-Front, Capitals in the church Saint-Front in P?rigueux, Pl. 6, p. 331, Gaucherel, L?on (direx.), 1851, F?lix de Verneilh; L'architecture byzantine en France: Saint-Front de P?rigueux et les ?glises ? coupoles de l'Aquitaine. Paris: libra...
EditorialCetonides 4, Beetle, Fig. 5-4: G. Dicheros, G. Ichnestoma, Signed: A. Percheron ad nat., del, Pl. 6, after p. 410, Percheron, Achille Remy (ad nat. del.); Bailli?re, Jean-Baptiste (ed.), 1833, H. Gory; A. Percheron: Monographie des c?toines et genres v...
EditorialAlgaby Gallery. Simplon, Gallery of Algaby, Signed: Hostein, Engelmann, Pl. 6, Hostein, Jean-Marie Edouard (delt. et lith.); Engelmann, Godefroy (lith.), 1831, Robert Louis-Astolphe C?ard: Souvenirs des travaux du Simplon. Gen?ve: Imprimerie de G-me Fi...
EditorialIndian widow, Clothing of an Indian widow standing near a spring of water, Signed: P. Sonnerat pinx, Poisson sc, Pl. 6, after p. 31 (vol. 1), Sonnerat, Pierre M. (pinx.); Poisson, Jean-Baptiste Marie (sculp.), 1782, Sonnerat, Pierre: Voyages aux Indes ...
EditorialCapital and entablature Tuscan, Tuscan capital, architrave and cornice, pl. 6, p. 17, 1720, Augustin-Charles d'Aviler: Cours d'architecture: qui comprend les ordres de Vignole, avec des commentaires, les figures & descriptions de ses plus beaux b?timen...
EditorialBreed of the forests of England ..., Breed from Great Britain, signed: d'apr?s les dessins Anglais de M.M. Nicholson et Shiels; Imp. Lemercier; H. Eichens, Pl. 6, to p. 33, Nicholson, Francis (del.); Shiels, William (del.); Eichens, Hermann (lith.); Im...
EditorialView of La Roche Castle, Castle of Roche, Bas Rhin, Signed: Sabatier d'apr?s (...) Engelhart, Lith. De G. Engelmann, Pl. 6, after p. 24 (Part 2), Sabatier; Engelhart; Engelmann, Godefroy (lith.), 1828, De Golb?ry, J. G. Schweigh?user: Antiquit?s de l'A...
EditorialChemistry 5, Oven for chemistry laboratory, Signed: Benard direx, Pl. 6, after p. 48, Benard (dir.), 1778, Denis Diderot; M. d'Alembert: Encyclop?die, ou dictionnaire raisonn? des sciences, des arts et des m?tierss, des arts et des m?tiers. Gen?ve: che...
EditorialNavy, Naval Developments 6, Naval maneuver, Signed: Benard Direx, Pl. 6, after p. 14, Benard (dir.), 1778, Denis Diderot; M. d'Alembert: Encyclop?die, ou dictionnaire raisonn? des sciences, des arts et des m?tierss, des arts et des m?tiers. Gen?ve: che...
EditorialAnatomy, Muscles feet and hands, Foot and hand muscles, Signed: Benard direx, Pl. 6, after p. 48, Benard (dir.), 1778, Denis Diderot; M. d'Alembert: Encyclop?die, ou dictionnaire raisonn? des sciences, des arts et des m?tierss, des arts et des m?tiers....
EditorialShip of 90 Guns, Warship with 90 guns, Pl. 6, Ozanne: Marine militaire ou recueil des diff?rens vaisseaux qui servent ? la guerre: suivis des manoeuvres qui ont le plus de raport au combat ainsi qu'? l'ataque et la d?ffese des ports. Paris: chez Cherea...
EditorialCommon Buzzard, Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo, Buteo vulgaris), Signed: J.J. Audubon, J.T. Bowen, lithograph, Pl. 6 (vol. 1), Audubon, John James (drawn); Bowen, J. T. (lith.), 1856, John James Audubon: The birds of America: from drawings made in the Uni...
EditorialMarine, Drawings of different Parts that enter the Shipbuilding, Elements for the construction of ships, Signed: Benard Direx, Pl. 6, after p. 14, Benard (dir.), 1778, Denis Diderot; M. d'Alembert: Encyclop?die, ou dictionnaire raisonn? des sciences, d...
EditorialArchitecture, Masonry 6, Brick oven, Signed: Benard direx, Pl. 6, after p. 48, Benard (dir.), 1778, Denis Diderot; M. d'Alembert: Encyclop?die, ou dictionnaire raisonn? des sciences, des arts et des m?tierss, des arts et des m?tiers. Gen?ve: chez Pelle...
EditorialOrnate door 1, Illustration of a door with a splendid ornament from the 19th century, Pl. 6, p. 67, Heideloff, Carl, 1846, Carl Heideloff: Die Ornamentik des Mittelalters: eine Sammlung auserw?hlter Verziehrungen und Profile byzantinischer und deutsche...
EditorialAstronomy 5, Astronomy, Earth Globe, Sky Globe, Globe Construction, Planetary Movement, Signed: Benard Direx, Pl. 6, p. 14, Benard (dir.), Denis Diderot; M. d'Alembert: Encyclop?die, ou dictionnaire raisonn? des sciences, des arts et des m?tierss, des ...
EditorialView of a village at Cairo, Egyptian village, Signed: GAV; Sellier sc, Pl. 6, p. 69, Gau, Franz Christian (del.); Sellier (sc.), Franz Christian Gau; Barthold Georg Niebuhr: Antiquit?s de la Nubie: ou monumens in?dits des bords du Nil, situ?s entre la ...
EditorialGravedona - Baptisterium, Baptistery of the Church of Santa Maria del Tiglio in Gravedona, signed: Gustav Gull fec, pl. 6, after p. 15, Gull, Gustav (fec.), Karl Moser, Julius Stadler: Bericht ?ber die Excursion der Bauschule nach Ober-Italien und Tess...
EditorialArchitecture, Basics, Bases, Signed: Benard direx, Pl. 6, after p. 48, Benard (dir.), 1778, Denis Diderot; M. d'Alembert: Encyclop?die, ou dictionnaire raisonn? des sciences, des arts et des m?tierss, des arts et des m?tiers. Gen?ve: chez Pellet, MDCCL...