EditorialVignettes of cupids or genii. Above, a painting found in Resina in 1748 depicting the Genii of Apollo, one with a lyre in a chariot drawn by griffins led by another with a plate. Below, found in Resina in 1749, this painting shows a boy leaving offerin...
EditorialUprising and floor plan of the theater in Karlsberg Infimae partis eiusdem Amphitheatri Ichnographic (...) (title on object) Delineatio montis a metropoli Hasso-Cassellana uno circiter milliari distantis ... (series title) Disegno del monte situato pre...
EditorialMap, Superior Burgundiae comitatus; vulgo la Franche Comt? complectens praefecturas Amontii, Dolae, Avalli quibus adjectus comitatus Montis Belligardi, Gerhard Valk (-1726), Copperplate print.
EditorialMap, Superior Burgundiae comitatus; vulgo la Franche Comt? complectens praefecturas Amontii, Dolae, Avalli quibus adjectus comitatus Montis Belligardi, Gerhard Valk (-1726), Copperplate print.
EditorialMap, Superior Burgundiae comitatus; vulgo la Franche Comt? complectens praefecturas Amontii, Dolae, Avalli quibus adjectus comitatus Montis Belligardi, Gerhard Valk (-1726), Copperplate print.
EditorialVignettes of cupids or genii. Above, a painting found in Resina in 1748 depicting the Genii of Apollo, one with a lyre in a chariot drawn by griffins led by another with a plate. Below, found in Resina in 1749, this painting shows a boy leaving offerin...
EditorialHistoriated initial 'F'(rater) with Jerome and Pope Damasus, at the beginning of the Bible; ownership inscription: '82 Bibliotheca monasterii montis Sancti Eligii' in the lower margin. Bible ('The Brantwood Bible'). France, N. (Arras); c. 1260. Source:...
EditorialVignettes of cupids or genii. Above, a painting found in Resina in 1748 depicting the Genii of Apollo, one with a lyre in a chariot drawn by griffins led by another with a plate. Below, found in Resina in 1749, this painting shows a boy leaving offerin...