EditorialAntonio de Trueba y de la Quintana (1819-1889). Spanish writer. Monument in his birthplace, by the Spanish sculptor Manuel Basterra (1892-1947). It was inaugurated on August 24, 1930. Montellano. Province of Vizcaya. Basque Country. Spain.
EditorialAntonio de Trueba y de la Quintana (1819-1889). Spanish writer. Monument in his birthplace, by the Spanish sculptor Manuel Basterra (1892-1947). It was inaugurated on August 24, 1930. Montellano. Province of Vizcaya. Basque Country. Spain.
EditorialAntonio de Trueba y de la Quintana (1819-1889). Spanish writer. Monument in his birthplace, by the Spanish sculptor Manuel Basterra (1892-1947). It was inaugurated on August 24, 1930. Montellano. Province of Vizcaya. Basque Country. Spain.
EditorialTRUEBA Y LA QUINTANA, Antonio de (Montellano, 1819-Bilbao, 1889). Escritor. En su prosa reflej? el ambiente rural vasco. MONUMENTO ERIGIDO EN SU CASA NATAL. MONTELLANO. Provincia de Vizcaya (Bizkaia). Comarca de las Encartaciones. Pa?s Vasco.