EditorialHomo georgicus. Reproduction of the skull D2700 and the jaw D2735 corresponding to a male. Weight, 40-50 Kg. Size, 150 cm. Cranial capacity, 600-700 cc. 1.8 million years. Lower Pleistocene. Habitat, steppe forests. Found in Dmanisi (Georgia). National...
EditorialHomo georgicus. Reproduction of the skull D2700 and the jaw D2735 corresponding to a male. Weight, 40-50 Kg. Size, 150 cm. Cranial capacity, 600-700 cc. 1.8 million years. Lower Pleistocene. Habitat, steppe forests. Found in Dmanisi (Georgia). National...
EditorialHomo georgicus. Reproducci?n del cr?neo D2700 y la mand?bula D2735 correspondiente a un macho. Peso, 40-50 Kg. Tama?o, 150 cm. Capacidad craneal, 600-700 cc. 1,8 millones de a?os. Pleistoceno inferior. H?bitat, bosques esteparios. Hallado en Dmanisi (G...