EditorialFragment, Medium: silk Technique: cut loops of a tie-dyed, stenciled or block printed warp in a 3/1 twill foundation (velvet), Fragment of velvet in a chinoiserie design has a circular pavilion with a pointed roof and bells, flanked by fruit and pheasa...
EditorialFragment, Medium: silk Technique: cut loops of a tie-dyed, stenciled or block printed warp in a 3/1 twill foundation (velvet), Fragment of velvet in a chinoiserie design has a circular pavilion with a pointed roof and bells, flanked by fruit and pheasa...
EditorialSidewall, Lewis Chase Wall Paper Company, Bristol, Pennsylvania, USA, Machine-printed paper, Large foliate medallion bands with stacked squares (or dentils), beading, and bead-and-reel. This alternates with bands of stylized blue flowers. Background of...
EditorialCut stones, gem, intaglio, ring stone, agate, nicolo, Color, black, light blue top layer, Shape, oval, Machining, edge cut at the front with respect to the back, Creation, modeling with very rounded drill, detailing with, a few very thin wheel grooves,...