EditorialPlans: Bataille de Zullichau, Maxen, Landshut, Lignitz, Torgau, Reichenbach, Freyberg, Plan for the Battle of Z?llichau, Battle of Maxen, Landshut, Liegnitz, Torgau, Reichenbach and Freiberg, signed: Wexelberg scul, Pl. XXIII, Wexelberg, C. F. (sc.), A...
EditorialBattle of Hastenbeck, Bergen, Willinghausen, Wilhelmestal Affair, Plan for the Battle of Hastenbeck, Battle of Bergen, Battle of Wilhelmsthal and Vellinghausen a., d, Lip, Pl. XXI, Antoine Henri de Jomini: Trait? des grandes operations militaires. Atla...
EditorialCombat de Lowositz en Boheme, Plan of the Battle of Lobositz 1756, signed: Ant. Falger gr, Pl. IV, no. 1, Falger, Anton (gr.), Antoine Henri de Jomini: Trait? des grandes operations militaires. Atlas. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [18--].
EditorialBattle Army, Line-up of the army during the battle, Pl. XIV, Antoine Henri de Jomini: Trait? des grandes operations militaires. Atlas. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [18--].
EditorialBattle of Minden, Plan for the Battle of Minden 1759, signed: Wexelberg sc, pl. XXII bis, Wexelberg, C. F. (sc.), Antoine Henri de Jomini: Trait? des grandes operations militaires. Atlas. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [18--].
EditorialBataille de Molwitz, Hohen-Friedberg, Czaslau and thrush, Plan of the Battle of Mollwitz 1741, Battle of Chotusitz 1742, Battle of Hohenfriedberg 1745, Battle of Soor 1745, signed: Bernard direx, Pl. 1, Bernard (direx.), Antoine Henri de Jomini: Trait?...
EditorialMap of Westphalia and Hesse, Map of Westphalia, created for the French army 1756-1762 and 1792, Pl. III, Antoine Henri de Jomini: Trait? des grandes operations militaires. Atlas. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [18--].