EditorialTraill's Flycatcher - Sweet Gum, Liquidambar Styraciflua, Flycatcher (Muscicapa traillii), Amber Tree (Liquidambar), Signed: J.J. Audubon, J.T. Bowen, lithograph, Pl. 65 (vol. 1), Audubon, John James (drawn); Bowen, J. T. (lith.), 1856, John James Audu...
EditorialTraill's Flycatcher - Sweet Gum, Liquidambar Styraciflua, Flycatcher (Muscicapa traillii), Amber Tree (Liquidambar), Signed: J.J. Audubon, J.T. Bowen, lithograph, Pl. 65 (vol. 1), Audubon, John James (drawn); Bowen, J. T. (lith.), 1856, John James Audu...
EditorialPastor Traillii. Birds from the Himalaya Mountains, engraving 1831 by Elizabeth Gould and John Gould. John Gould was working as a taxidermist,he was known as the 'bird-stuffer', by the Zoological Society. Gould's fascination with birds from the east be...