EditorialAntoine Samuel Bonnier, Minister Plenipotentiary of the French Republic in Rastadt, in 1798 and 1799, year 6 and year 7, Portrait of Antoine Bonnier d'Alco and Envoy of Rastatt, signed: Levachez sculp, Duplessi-Bertaux inv. Et del, Duplessi-Bertaux aqu...
EditorialClaude Roberjot, Minister Plenipotentiary of the French Republic in Rastadt, in 1789 and 1799, year 6 and year 7, Portrait of Claude Roberjot and enlistment murder of Rastatt, signed: Levachez sculp, Duplessi-Bertaux inv. Et del, Duplessi-Bertaux aqua ...
EditorialA Spanish Insurgent, signed: A. Waizenegger Lieut., (, Del, ); Ant. Karcher (sc.), Frontispiece, Waizenegger, A. (del.); Karcher, Anton (sc.), Franz Xaver Rigel: Der siebenj?hrige Kampf auf der Pyren?ischen Halbinsel vom Jahre 1807 bis 1814: besonders ...
EditorialJean, Ant. Joseph Debry, ministre pl?nipotentiaire de la R?publique fran?aise ? Rastadt, en 1798 et 1799, (an 6 et an 7), Portrait of Jean Antoine Debry and Envoy of Rastatt, signed: Levachez sculp, Duplessi-Bertaux inv. Et del, Duplessi-Bertaux aqua f...
EditorialARTE ROMANO. ALEMANIA. MILIARIO "MILIARIUM" provincial romano de ?poca del emperador Caracalla. Realizado en piedra arenisca roja. Localidadades alemanas de Sinzheim y Kr. Rastatt, a?o 213-217. Colocados en las calzadas romanas para se?alar la distanci...
EditorialCap and jacket of a lieutenant in an Imperial-and Royal Hussar Regiment on active duty with the Austrian Airforce. (The only distinction from an ordinary hussar's uniform are the two golden balloons sewn behind the stars on the collar) .