EditorialDecree of the Boule (Parliament) and the Demos of the Athenians regulating the relations of Athens with Chalkis. 446-445 BC. Acropolis Museum. Athens. Greece.
EditorialPentonville Prison - Details shewing the means of regulating the temperature and ventilation of cells, Ventilation Details of the Pentonville Prison, Signed: G. D. Dempsey del, R. Davies sculp, Pl. 4, after p. 24, Dempsey, G. D. (del.); Davies, Benjami...
EditorialSummary jurisdiction procedure, being the Summary jurisdiction acts, 1848-1899. Regulating the duties of justices of the peace, with respect to summary convictions and orders, the Indictable offences acts, 1848 and 1868. With appendix of statutes relat...
EditorialA treatise on the law of criminal evidence, including the rules regulating the proper presentation of evidence and its relevancy; the mode of proof in particular classes of crimes, and the competency and examination of witnesses, with full references t...
EditorialDecree of the Boule (Parliament) and the Demos of the Athenians regulating the relations of Athens with Chalkis. 446-445 BC. Acropolis Museum. Athens. Greece.
EditorialDecree of the Boule (Parliament) and the Demos of the Athenians regulating the relations of Athens with Chalkis. 446-445 BC. Acropolis Museum. Athens. Greece.