EditorialHugo Erfurth, portrait of a girl, paper, oil print, picture size: height: 21,5 cm; width: 16,4 cm, signed, in lead: Erfurth 1898, inscribed: verso o. right: in lead: 1898, 145 below, stamp: HUGO ERFURTH, K?LN, DOMKLOSTER, GOLDSCHMIDTHAUS on verso and r...
EditorialHugo Erfurth, Mary Wigman, Staatliche Landesbildstelle Hamburg, collection on the history of photography, paper, pigment print, image size: height: 50,3 cm; width: 34,1 cm, stamp: verso lower right: HUGO ERFURTH, K?LN, DOMKLOSTER 1, GOLDSCHMIDTHAUS, la...
EditorialHugo Erfurth, Hans Thoma, Staatliche Landesbildstelle Hamburg, collection on the history of photography, paper, gum print, image size: height: 21,1 cm; width: 17,8 cm, stamp: recto and right: HUGO ERFURTH, COLOGNE, DOMKLOSTER 1, GOLDSCHMIDTHAUS, inscri...
EditorialHugo Erfurth, Otto Dix, Staatliche Landesbildstelle Hamburg, collection on the history of photography, silver gelatin paper, black and white positive process, image size: height: 39,5 cm; width: 30,8 cm, stamp: verso o. r.: HUGO ERFURTH, DRESDEN, ZINZE...
EditorialHugo Erfurth, Herbert Eulenberg, paper, oil print, image size: height: 28,7 cm; width: 22,4 cm, signed: recto and left: carved: Hugo Erfurth Dresden, stamp: verso o. in the middle: HUGO ERFURTH, K?LN, DOMKLOSTER 1, GOLDSCHMIDTHAUS, HUGO ERFURTH, DRESDE...