EditorialJournal of the 'Paramore'. Edmund Halley's Voyages, 1698-1699, 1701. England; 1699. [Whole folio] Edmund Halley's journal entry for 26 June to 11 July 1699, recording the return of the pink [sailing ship] 'Paramore' after a scientific voyage to observe...
EditorialAnd there all the rules that appertaine to the finding of the Poles height?' Diagram showing a man measuring the latitude of the sun. The Seamans Secrets, deuided into 2. partes, wherein is taught the three kindes of Sayling, Horizontall, Peradoxall [s...
EditorialWhat is climate?' A 16th c. diagram showing zones of temperature. The Seamans Secrets, deuided into 2. partes, wherein is taught the three kindes of Sayling, Horizontall, Peradoxall [sic], and sayling vpon a great Circle: also an horizontall tyde table...