EditorialBusto de Amenofis IV (1353-1335 a. C.). D?cimo fara?n de la dinast?a XVIII de Egipto. Conocido tambi?n como Amenhotep, Akenat?n o Akhenaton. Imperio Nuevo. Museo Egipcio. El Cairo, Egipto.
EditorialEgyptian art. Nefertiti. 14th century B.C. Egyptian Princess, wife of Amenhotep IV Akhenaton. Bust. Limestone and stucco. It is believed to have been crafted in 1345 BC by the sculptor Thutmose. New Kingdom. 18th Dynasty. It comes from Tell-el-Amarna. ...
EditorialEgyptian art. Nefertiti. 14th century B.C. Egyptian Princess, wife of Amenhotep IV Akhenaton. Bust. Limestone and stucco. It is believed to have been crafted in 1345 BC by the sculptor Thutmose. New Kingdom. 18th Dynasty. It comes from Tell-el-Amarna. ...
EditorialEgyptian art. Nefertiti. 14th century B.C. Egyptian Princess, wife of Amenhotep IV Akhenaton. Bust. Limestone and stucco. It is believed to have been crafted in 1345 BC by the sculptor Thutmose. New Kingdom. 18th Dynasty. It comes from Tell-el-Amarna. ...