EditorialDish Saucer-dish with the inscription: Voorsicht verses wisely beraed, His hedge columns van den Staet, Round saucer with a wide rim, the rim of which has been turned and engraved in Italian letters' Voorsicht verses wisely beraed, His hedge columns va...
EditorialDish Dish with the inscription: File no-soaked Faithfulness, Works lyrical and soul-carving, Low dish with a wide flat edge, the edge of which is turned. On the border is a calligraphy in Italian letters: 'File' no-soaked Wedding, Works lyrically and s...
EditorialSaucer-dish with the inscription: The booste quaed, not in the dirtiest quaen, but in those which, by the way, have been varnished, exist Round dish with a twisted edge, in which a blue thread has been melted. The following text is engraved on the wide...
EditorialMap, Partie meridionale du cercle de Haute-Saxe ou sont compris le duch? et electorat de Saxe, le cercle de Meissen, Lusace, Thuringe &cc., Leonardus Schenk (1732-1800), Copperplate print.