EditorialRAMON AND CAJAL, Santiago (Petilla of Aragon, Navarre 1852-Madrid, 1934). Spanish histologist, physician and pathologist. He made important discoveries such as laws governing the morphology and connections of nerve cells in the brain. Nobel Prize in M...
EditorialRAMON Y CAJAL, Santiago (Petilla de Arag?n, Navarra,1852-Madrid,1934). M?dico e investigador. Realiz? importantes descubrimientos como el de las leyes que rigen la morfolog?a y las conexiones de las c?lulas nerviosas del cerebro. Premio Nobel de Medici...
EditorialRAMON AND CAJAL, Santiago (Petilla of Aragon, Navarre 1852-Madrid, 1934). Spanish histologist, physician and pathologist. He made important discoveries such as laws governing the morphology and connections of nerve cells in the brain. Nobel Prize in M...