EditorialSorex platycephalus, Print, The genus Sorex includes many of the common shrews of Eurasia and North America, and contains at least 142 known species and subspecies. Members of this genus, known as long-tailed shrews, are the only members of the tribe S...
EditorialSorex remifer, Print, The genus Sorex includes many of the common shrews of Eurasia and North America, and contains at least 142 known species and subspecies. Members of this genus, known as long-tailed shrews, are the only members of the tribe Soricin...
EditorialCrocidura indica, Print, The genus Crocidura is one of nine genera of the shrew subfamily Crocidurinae. Members of the genus are commonly called white-toothed shrews or musk shrews, although both also apply to all of the species in the subfamily. With ...
EditorialCrocidura aranea, Print, The genus Crocidura is one of nine genera of the shrew subfamily Crocidurinae. Members of the genus are commonly called white-toothed shrews or musk shrews, although both also apply to all of the species in the subfamily. With ...
EditorialMacroscelides spec., Print, Macroscelides is a genus of small shrew-like animals, the round-eared sengis (also called elephant shrews), found in western Namibia and in South Africa; they are members of the clade Afrotheria., skeleton and teeth.
EditorialSorex araneus, Print, The common shrew (Sorex araneus), also known as the Eurasian shrew, is the most common shrew, and one of the most common mammals, throughout Northern Europe, including Great Britain, but excluding Ireland. It is 55 to 82 millimetr...
EditorialSorex platycephalus, Print, The genus Sorex includes many of the common shrews of Eurasia and North America, and contains at least 142 known species and subspecies. Members of this genus, known as long-tailed shrews, are the only members of the tribe S...
EditorialSorex remifer, Print, The genus Sorex includes many of the common shrews of Eurasia and North America, and contains at least 142 known species and subspecies. Members of this genus, known as long-tailed shrews, are the only members of the tribe Soricin...
EditorialCrocidura indica, Print, The genus Crocidura is one of nine genera of the shrew subfamily Crocidurinae. Members of the genus are commonly called white-toothed shrews or musk shrews, although both also apply to all of the species in the subfamily. With ...
EditorialMacroscelides typicus, Print, Macroscelides is a genus of small shrew-like animals, the round-eared sengis (also called elephant shrews), found in western Namibia and in South Africa; they are members of the clade Afrotheria., 1700-1880.