EditorialOrigin of the Hinter-Rhine. Behind the Zaport-Alp, Origin of the Hinterrhein, parallel title: Origine du Rhin sup?rieur., Derri?re la Zaport Alpe, Lithograph, Signed: C.M. Engelhardt, Th. M?ller, Taf. 5, S. 9, Engelhardt, Christian Moritz (del.); M?lle...
EditorialParallel Systems, Illustrations of the comparison of 19th century fortification systems and ramparts, Pl. VII, after p. 698, 1801, C. F. Mandar: Essai sur la fortification, o? l'on expose les progr?s de cet art, depuis son origine jusqu'? nos jours; le...
EditorialPortada de la obra De Origine et Progressu Officci Sanctae , Inquisitionis. Primera edici?n de esta primera historia de la Inquisici?n escrita por el can?nigo de Le?n e inquisidor Luis del P?ramo (1545-1608). Madrid, a?o 1598.
EditorialA colour wheel containing seven colors: violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, scarlet, and crimson. Claude Boutet was a painter French of the eighteenth century. He is credited with drawing the oldest chromatic circles. . Traitte? de mignature, pour a...
EditorialA colour wheel containing twelve colors: violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, scarlet, crimson, golden yellow, red, purple, sea green and yellow-green. Claude Boutet was a painter French of the eighteenth century. He is credited with drawing the oldest...
EditorialBaro. A man wearing a red ermine trimmed garment. Nobilitas politica et civilis. Personas scilicet distinguendi et ab origine inter gentes, ex Principum gratia nobilititandi forma. Typis G. Jaggard: London, 1608. Source: 605.h.12, page 61.
EditorialHabitus Ducalis. A man weairng a brown ermine trimmed garment, and a crown. Nobilitas politica et civilis. Personas scilicet distinguendi et ab origine inter gentes, ex Principum gratia nobilititandi forma. Typis G. Jaggard: London, 1608. Source: 605.h...
EditorialMarchio. A man weairng a brown ermine trimmed garment, and a crown. Nobilitas politica et civilis. Personas scilicet distinguendi et ab origine inter gentes, ex Principum gratia nobilititandi forma. Typis G. Jaggard: London, 1608. Source: 605.h.12, pag...
EditorialVice-Comes. A man wearing a red ermine trimmed garment. Nobilitas politica et civilis. Personas scilicet distinguendi et ab origine inter gentes, ex Principum gratia nobilititandi forma. Typis G. Jaggard: London, 1608. Source: 605.h.12, page 65.
EditorialA colour wheel containing twelve colors: violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, scarlet, crimson, golden yellow, red, purple, sea green and yellow-green. Claude Boutet was a painter French of the eighteenth century. He is credited with drawing the oldest...
EditorialA colour wheel containing seven colors: violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, scarlet, and crimson. Claude Boutet was a painter French of the eighteenth century. He is credited with drawing the oldest chromatic circles. . Traitte? de mignature, pour a...
EditorialPortrait of Giacomo Zabarella (1533-1589). Italian Aristotelian philosopher and logician. Gli Valerii, overo origine e nobilita? della gente Valeria di Roma, di Padoua e di Venezia dove con la vita di Volusio, e di Stella poeti Padovani ... si ha? .....
EditorialA walled garden. Gymnasium Patavinum ... libris v. comprehensum. Pr. Utini, 1654. A walled garden. Image taken from Gymnasium Patavinum libris v. comprehensum. Primus de Gymnasii origine alter Professores tum juris pontificii tum civilis, tertius Prof...
EditorialExperiment. L'antimagnétisme ou origine, progrès, décadence, r. Londres, 1784. An experiment in magnetism. Image taken from L'antimagnétisme ou origine, progrès, décadence, renouvellement et réfutation du magnétisme animal. [By J. J. Paulet.]....
EditorialPortrait of Lamarck (d'apres un dessin de Doilly) A naturalist and scientist. . Galerie des Naturalistes, histoire des sciences naturelles depuis leur origine jusqu’a? nos jours,. Paris, 1891. PIZZETTA, Jules. . Source: 7002.f.10 opposite 240. Langu...
EditorialPortada de la obra De Origine et Progressu Officci Sanctae , Inquisitionis. Primera edici?n de esta primera historia de la Inquisici?n escrita por el can?nigo de Le?n e inquisidor Luis del P?ramo (1545-1608). Madrid, a?o 1598.