EditorialTitle page on Johannes Kepler's 'Prodromus dissertationum cosmographicarum ...', Title page to Johannes Kepler's 'Prodromus dissertationum cosmographicarum ...' from the 16th century, title page, 1596, Johannes Kepler, Nikolaus Kopernikus, Michael M?st...
EditorialPlanetary dimensions and distances through five regular geometrical bodies exhibiens, Representation of Kepler's model of the solar system from the 16th century, signed: Christophorius Leibfried., ff, Tab. III, p. 33, Leibfried, Christoph (ff,), 1596, ...
EditorialRound circumcision plate-mid-16th c. -brass Center shows two explorers with giant grape-Hebrew Inscription around rim (Numeri 13.23) -from E. Europe D: 38 cm Inv. 366.
EditorialRound circumcision plate-mid-16th c. -brass Center shows two explorers with giant grape-Hebrew Inscription around rim (Numeri 13.23) -from E. Europe D: 38 cm Inv. 366.