EditorialHippeutis lenticularis Planorbia, Snail species, Signed: W. Hartmann ad nat., pinx, C. Burckardt Sculps, Printed by J. B. Scherrer, Tab. I, 13, after p. 227, Hartmann, Wilhelm (ad. nat. pinx.); Burkhardt, Kaspar (sc.); Scherrer, J. B. (imp.); Scheitlin...
EditorialHippeutis lenticularis Scalaria, Type of snail, Signed: W. Hartmann ad nat., pinx, S. B?hlmeyer Sculps, Printed by J. B. Scherrer, Tab. XI, 23, after p. 227, Hartmann, Wilhelm (ad. nat. pinx.); B?hlmeier, Salomon (sc.); Scherrer, J. B. (imp.); Scheitli...
EditorialNummulites lenticularis, Print, A nummulite is a large lenticular fossil, characterized by its numerous coils, subdivided by septa into chambers. They are the shells of the fossil and present-day marine protozoan Nummulites, a type of foraminiferan. Nu...