EditorialInterior of a Gothic Church; Paul Juvenal the Elder, German, 1579 - 1643; Germany, Europe; 1629; Pen and brown ink, blue and gray wash, and black chalk; 37.8 x 26.8 cm (14 7/8 x 10 9/16 in.).
EditorialSatyres de Juvenal. A translation into French of verses. . Traduction nouvelle des satyres de Juvenal en vers franc?ois. 1690. Binding. avec des remarques sur les passages les plus difficiles. Par Mon. Source: c.48.d.8 front binding.
EditorialA. Persii Satyrarum liber I. D. Iunii Iuuenalis Satyrarum lib. V. Supliciae Satyra I: cum veteribus commentarijs nunc primum editis ex bibliotheca P. Pithoei I C. cuius etiam notae quaedam adiectae sunt.
EditorialInterior of a Gothic Church; Paul Juvenal the Elder, German, 1579 - 1643; Germany, Europe; 1629; Pen and brown ink, blue and gray wash, and black chalk; 37.8 x 26.8 cm (14 7/8 x 10 9/16 in.).