EditorialPhoca hispida, Print, The ringed seal (Pusa hispida or Phoca hispida), also known as the jar seal, as netsik or nattiq by the Inuit and as ??????? by the Yakut, is an earless seal (family: Phocidae) inhabiting the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. The rin...
EditorialYakut man wearing a fur-lined coat over trousers, with spear, bow and quiver of arrows. Handcoloured woodcut by Doms from Auguste Wahlen's "Moeurs, Usages et Costumes de tous les Peuples du Monde," Librairie Historique-Artistique, Brussels, 1845. Wahle...
EditorialYakut woman wearing earrings, fur-lined coat decorated with beads. Handcoloured woodcut by A. Vangauberche from Auguste Wahlen's "Moeurs, Usages et Costumes de tous les Peuples du Monde," Librairie Historique-Artistique, Brussels, 1845. Wahlen was the ...
EditorialYakut costumes: men in long reindeer-skin coats with embroidered borders carrying bows, arrows and spears, and a priest or shaman holding a figure in front of a sacrificial fire. Handcoloured lithograph from Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsche's "Vollstaendige ...