EditorialRusia. Astrac?n. Ciudad a orillas del r?o Volga, en la desembocadura al Mar Caspio. Vista de la ciudadela (kremlin). Grabado por Lemaitre, Danvin y Lasaisse. Historia de Rusia por Chopin. Panorama Universal, edici?n espa?ola de 1839.
EditorialThe Wolga River Course, formerly known as Rha 2, Map of the course of the Volga from Balachna to the mouth of the Caspian Sea from the 18th century, signed: Selon la Relation D'OLEARIUS., A LEIDE, Chez PIERRE VAN DER AA, Merchand Libraire, Fig. 25, aft...
EditorialSoratof, City of Tartary Moscovite; Tzornogar, Small Town of the Muscovites, in the Kingdom of Astrachan, on the edge of the Wolga, View of the town of Soratof in the Tatarei from the 18th century, view of the small town Zornogar on the Volga from the ...
EditorialSamara, City of Russia, near Wolga, View of the Russian city of Samara next to the Volga River from the 18th century, signed: a Leide, Chez Pierre vander Aa, Fig. 27, after p. 428, Aa, Pierre van der (chez), 1727, Adam Olearius: Voyages tr?s-curieux et...
EditorialThe Wolga River Course, formerly known as Rha 1, Map of the course of the Volga from Balachna to the mouth of the Caspian Sea from the 18th century, signed: Selon la Relation D'OLEARIUS., A LEIDE, Chez PIERRE VAN DER AA, Merchand Libraire, Fig. 24, aft...
EditorialBattledore showing a mermaid. In pre-Christian times, bird-siren and mermaid were the attributes of a goddess of an agricultural cult, later they became symbols of joy and happiness. From the Upper Volga region.
EditorialMamai crossing the river Volga with his armies. . Skazanie o Mamaevom Poboishche (the Tale of the Rout of Mamai). 17th century. The Skazanie is a romance in Russian Church Slavonic, composed in the 15th century, relating the struggle of the Muscovian ...
EditorialDish. Gilded, knocked-out, embossd silver. Volga Bulgaria (?). 10th century. Found in the Urals area and West Siberia. The State Hermitage Museum. Saint Petersburg. Russia.
EditorialSherrameeze girls at Tscheboksarie. Cheboksary is the capital city of the Chuvash Republic, Russia and a port on the Volga River. 1820, 1821, 1822, and 1823.
EditorialA STEAMBOAT ON THE VOLGA. The Volga is the longest river in Europe; it is also Europe's largest river in terms of discharge and watershed. It flows through central Russia, and is widely viewed as the national river of Russia.
EditorialHISTORIA EUROPA DEL ESTE. Estepas euroasi?ticas. Civilizaci?n de los CUMANOS, tambi?n conocidos en Rusia como Polovtsy. Tribu n?mada del grupo t?rquico occidental que habit? el nordel del mar Negro y el r?o Volga. Estelas o estatuas menhires muy caract...
EditorialBattledore showing a mermaid. In pre-Christian times, bird-siren and mermaid were the attributes of a goddess of an agricultural cult, later they became symbols of joy and happiness. From the Upper Volga region.
EditorialJoan Blaeu's " Atlas Major", published in Amsterdam in 1662, consists of 593 plates bound in nine to twelve volumes. Volume 2: Russia. Map of the Volga, Mongolians with tents and camels.
EditorialThe warriors of Andrei Bogoliubski pray before the icon robbed by their prince and now called " Our Lady of Vladimir" and thank her for granting them a victory over the Volga-Bulgars (1164). From the Radziwill Chronicle, page 205 v., 612 mini...