EditorialDanube all the adjacent countries ..., 17. Danubius, seu Hungaria & Turcia Euroaea (Hungary and European T?rckey), signed: ... from Augusto Gottlob Boehmio ... cura Homannianorum Heredum; Seb., Thorn sc, Taf. 1, Boehme, August Gottlob (Kartograf); Dorn...
EditorialPlaying children, Figure of children playing in an antique room from the 17th century, signed: S. le Clerc in et s, Fig. 2, before p. 2, Le Clerc, Seb. (inv. et sculp.), 1673, Pollio Vitruvius: Les dix livres d'architecture de Vitruve: corrigez et trad...
EditorialArchitect explains his sketch, Illustration of an architect explaining his sketch, from the 17th century, sung: Seb., Le Clerc in. Et s, Fig. 3, before p. 2, Le Clerc, Seb. (inv. et sculp.), 1673, Pollio Vitruvius: Les dix livres d'architecture de Vitr...
EditorialFloor plan and view of an observatory, Fig. I: Floor plan of a 17th century observatory, Fig. II: View of the same observatory from the 17th century, signed: le Clerc., Sculp, Pl. II, p. 11, Le Clerc, Seb. (sculp.), 1673, Pollio Vitruvius: Les dix livr...
EditorialSziography and scenography of an observatory, Two other views of the Observatory of Pl. II from the 17th century, signed: Le Clerc fecit, Pl. III, p. 13, Le Clerc, Seb. (fec.), 1673, Pollio Vitruvius: Les dix livres d'architecture de Vitruve: corrigez ...
EditorialIn the Roman Empire of the German states, and the groups were divided board general ..., 10. Imperium Romano-Germanicum (The Teutsche Reich), signed: ... accomodata a Ioh., Bapt., Homanno, Thorn sc, Taf. 8th, Homann, Johann Baptist (Kartograf); Dorn, S...
Editorialorgan, Illustration of an organ from the 17th century, signed: S. le Clerc Sculp, Planche LXII, p. 299, Le Clerc, Seb. (sculp.), 1673, Pollio Vitruvius: Les dix livres d'architecture de Vitruve: corrigez et traduits nouvellement en fran?ois, avec des n...
EditorialFrontispiz zu Pollio Vitruvius' 'The Ten Books of Vitruvian Architecture ...', Frontispiece to Pollio Vitruvius' 'Les dix livres d'architecture de Vitruve ...' from the 17th century, signed: S. le Clerc Inventor, G. Scotin Sculp, Fig. 1, before p. 2, L...
EditorialCandlestick with Saint Sebastian, The candlestick is composed of the following parts: the foot with the three legs, the decoration on these legs, Saint Sebastian, the tree, the fat trap and the candleholder. The decorations, which are riveted to the le...
EditorialAt this point, break up, and the portions of metal Metall- fecernut, to washe ... the first he in the lacunulis, those who are called, in German Sumpffuescher, Illustrations on the area of mining from the 16th century, Fig. 70, pp. 434 & 435, 1552, Seb...
EditorialTablas de tr?ptico. G?tico. ?ltimo cuarto del siglo XV. En el centro, la Asunci?n de Santa Mar?a Magdalena y, a ambos lados, la Anunciaci?n. Procedente del Monasterio de Santa Mar?a de la Hoz. Seb?lcor (provincia de Segovia). Museo Arqueol?gico Naciona...
EditorialTablas de tr?ptico. G?tico. ?ltimo cuarto del siglo XV. En el centro, la Asunci?n de Santa Mar?a Magdalena y, a ambos lados, la Anunciaci?n. Procedente del Monasterio de Santa Mar?a de la Hoz. Seb?lcor (provincia de Segovia). Museo Arqueol?gico Naciona...