EditorialReichsadler Humps, Lightly inserted bottom. Smooth, applied stand ring. On the cylindrical body, slightly tapered at the top, the black, double-headed Reindeer with yellow crown and nimbus. For the chest a crucifix with wide-spread loincloth. On the wi...
EditorialDonkey wearing glasses. De fide concubinarum in sacerdotes. Questio access. Mentz? 1510?. A donkey, sitting at a desk in front of a classroom of beasts with a fly-swatter on his hoof, is wearing glasses and reading a huge book. Image taken from De fid...
EditorialIndulgence. [A form of indulgence for aid to the King of Cypru. Mentz, 1455. A form of indulgence. Image taken from [A form of indulgence for aid to the King of Cyprus against the Turks.]. Originally published/produced in Mentz, 1455. . Source: I.A.5...