EditorialJean Sylvain Mauri, deputy to the Estates General of 1789, from Cardinal to Rome, Portrait of Jean-Siffrein Maury, signed: Levachez sculp, Duplessi-Bertaux inv. Et del, Duplessi-Bertaux aqua forti, Fig. 12, according to p. 27, Levachez, Charles Fran?oi...
EditorialWhales, Waltypes after Matthew Fontaine Maury, Signed: D.M. Clelland sc, Pl. X, Clelland, D. M. (sc.), 1852, M. F. Maury: Sailing directions. Washington, 1852.
EditorialWhale Chart 1, Occurrence of sperm whales and right whales off the coast of Brazil, Pl. X, 1858, M. F. Maury: Sailing directions. Washington, [s.n.], 1858-1859.
EditorialWhale Chart 1, Table for the occurrence of whales in different marine areas by months, Pl. IX, 1858, M. F. Maury: Sailing directions. Washington, [s.n.], 1858-1859.
EditorialSea drift and whales, on which the movements of the sea as indicated by the thermometer are shown, Sea currents and whale occurrences, Pl. XIV, 1858, M. F. Maury: Sailing directions. Washington, [s.n.], 1858-1859.
EditorialA gale of wind at least once on the average in 6 days, 6 to 10 days, 10 to 14 days, Mapping of storms on the oceans, Fig. 2, 1858, M. F. Maury: Sailing directions. Washington, [s.n.], 1858-1859.
EditorialTwo Samples of Telegraph Cable for Floating Mines and a Break, Two samples of telegraph cable for sea mines, each with brass rings at the ends. Both are a blow with a heart of seven copper wires in a thick insulating layer of black plastic. The outer s...